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I’m Danielle.

And I love the Lord Jesus Christ with all that I am. Years ago, I had an encounter with the Lord that changed my life forever. In a time when I seemed to be losing all sense of control over my life, I found myself in a position where all that was left was to follow God. But I found it hard to put my full faith in the Lord because there were parts of His Word I just couldn’t understand.

So, with an open heart and an open Bible, I asked God to give me wisdom so I could know the One I was about to follow with my life… And He did.

The Lord spoke directly to my heart by giving me the wisdom I had asked for… And I had never felt more seen or loved by God than in that moment.

My eyes were opened and a love for Jesus and the Word was sparked in me like I had never known.

I used to think I had to share about Christ as a Christian duty, but once I realized how incredible it is that the Creator of the universe is even mindful of me, my mindset shifted to, “Everyone has to know about Jesus.”

Compelled by His love, I wanted everyone to know God.

So I set out on a mission around the world to do just that. I ended up meeting my husband, Wesley, along the way, and between the two of us, we have faithfully served the Lord in 38 countries. After we married, we moved to Thailand to work at a long-term mission base for two years.

We are now back in the United States with our son, Levi, continuing to share the Gospel with our loved ones and local community until God calls us to move.

My hope for this space is that you would be encouraged to seek the Lord and His Word so you, too, can know God and follow Him in full faith.


A Verse I Hold Tightly:

psalm 8:3-5 never ceases to keep me humble and remind me of god's deep love

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.”

My Cause:

Advocating for persecuted Christians

My Biggest Dream:

That God would make my family into a great nation that knows and loves the Lord generation after generation

Somewhere I haven’t been that I’d like to go:


Some Things I've Walked Through That You Can Always Message Me About:

  • Big Moves & Homesickness

  • Ministry & Missions

  • Re-Entry & Reverse Culture Shock

  • Depression

  • Living as a First-Generation Believer

  • Chronic Illness & Natural Health

  • Infertility & Miscarriage

  • Natural Child Birth & Out-Of-Hospital Birth

  • Postpartum Depression (PPD) & Postpartum Anxiety (PPA)

  • Grief & Loss