Posts tagged pregnancy
5 Invaluable Lessons From Battling Infertility

While I would love to say that my three-year wait to conceive was graceful and unwavering, if I’m honest, it was filled with a good bit of wrestling and raw emotion.

But it was in that wrestling that I learned the invaluable lessons that are central to the steadfast faith I now hold. As hard as those years were, I am grateful, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. And while you might be thinking, “That’s easy to say now that you are ‘on the other side,’” the truth is, I got to a place of gratitude even IN my waiting… And I believe you can, too.

That’s why I’m sharing the five invaluable lessons I learned while waiting to get pregnant. They may not be the exact same lessons the Lord is working in your heart, but I do hope they can offer some encouragement to those who wait.

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