Posts tagged loss
How to Support Someone Through Pregnancy Loss

“I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” It’s taken months since my second miscarriage for me to be able to put words to how I would answer that question. When it’s fresh, a sense of shell shock and overwhelm make such open-ended questions difficult to answer. But now that I’ve had time to step back and consider what was helpful as I was miscarrying, I think I’ve found my reply.

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Grief’s Gift

On my flight home from my grandmother’s funeral—the fifth of six losses this year—I pulled out my phone, opened my Notes app, and began to write. As I did, the words poured out of me. What began as a factual account of the losses I and my family have faced this year turned into an encouraging reminder that pain is never wasted, that God does indeed work all things together for good, that our loved ones live on in us long after they’re gone, and that good things can come from something as horrible as death. This is my 2023 testimony. This is grief’s gift.

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What You Need to Know About Pregnancy Loss

After my first miscarriage, I thought I knew what all miscarriages looked like. But as I began to connect with more women on the subject, I realized I didn’t know as much as I thought. Humbled, my heart filled with grace and deeper compassion as I gained an understanding of the uniqueness of each miscarriage experience. Whether you or someone you care about has suffered pregnancy loss, we will dive into what miscarriage looks like in its many forms to help us ask for or provide the individual support needed.

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