Crunchy Mom Law

The “crunchy mom” trend is on the rise and—for the most part—I’m here for it. We are beginning to see the long-term effects of the lifestyle choices of our youth and understand how holistic approaches can reverse and prevent a number of the effects for the next generation. But the more deeply seeped I become in the crunchy community, the more I see the impracticality of some of its standards and the pressure it’s putting on moms or women trying to become moms. While I still wholeheartedly pursue a natural lifestyle, I’ve had to learn the hard way to what end.

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My Miscarriage Story (Part 2)

A month after my second miscarriage, I read a woman’s miscarriage story and devoured it. Having known dozens of women who had suffered miscarriages, I didn’t think the raw relatability of this woman’s story was something I would be so hungry for. But then I realized knowing women have miscarried isn’t the same as knowing their stories. And somewhere in the lonely abyss that is miscarriage grief, I found myself desperate to talk to someone about the less socially acceptable parts of mine. So today, I share my miscarriage story with you because I know what it’s like to feel alone after loss and because more than anything, I want other miscarriage mamas to know they are not alone. Part two details a hemorrhage and the medical decisions women may have to face in miscarriage.

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My Miscarriage Story (Part 1)

A month after my second miscarriage, I read a woman’s miscarriage story and devoured it. Having known dozens of women who had suffered miscarriages, I didn’t think the raw relatability of this woman’s story was something I would be so hungry for. But then I realized knowing women have miscarried isn’t the same as knowing their stories. And somewhere in the lonely abyss that is miscarriage grief, I found myself desperate to talk to someone about the less socially acceptable parts of mine. So today, I share my miscarriage story with you because I know what it’s like to feel alone after loss and because more than anything, I want other miscarriage mamas to know they are not alone. Part one details the anxiety that comes with pregnancy after loss as well as a missed miscarriage.

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How to Support Someone Through Pregnancy Loss

“I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?” It’s taken months since my second miscarriage for me to be able to put words to how I would answer that question. When it’s fresh, a sense of shell shock and overwhelm make such open-ended questions difficult to answer. But now that I’ve had time to step back and consider what was helpful as I was miscarrying, I think I’ve found my reply.

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Grief’s Gift

On my flight home from my grandmother’s funeral—the fifth of six losses this year—I pulled out my phone, opened my Notes app, and began to write. As I did, the words poured out of me. What began as a factual account of the losses I and my family have faced this year turned into an encouraging reminder that pain is never wasted, that God does indeed work all things together for good, that our loved ones live on in us long after they’re gone, and that good things can come from something as horrible as death. This is my 2023 testimony. This is grief’s gift.

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Christ-Centered Christmas Books For Kids

Maintaining the excitement of Christmas for little ones without losing sight of the true reason for the season can be challenging in the world we live in today. We do our best to find Christ-centered Christmas tales to help fix our focus on Jesus in the buildup to Christmas, and after a lot of searching and trial and error, I finally found 25 Christmas books for kids to share with you to make your search a bit easier this holiday season.

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A Call to Grieve Differently

Most of us don’t really know how to respond to pregnancy loss. There isn’t exactly a how-to guide on the subject. But without explicit guidance, how are Christians to reply? Is there a biblical response to pregnancy loss no one told us about? Is God really calling us to acknowledge the issue in a specific way? In this post, we’ll compare the heart of the Father to cultural norms as we are challenged to go against the grain and respond to pregnancy loss God’s way.

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Where Was God When I Miscarried?

From the point of conception to when your baby’s heart beat its last to the grief that forever lingers for the child you lost, you may be wondering: Where is God in miscarriage? Whether you or someone you care about has experienced pregnancy loss, we will look to Scripture to help us understand where the Lord was at each part of any given pregnancy loss story and what role He played as it unfolded.

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If God, Why Miscarriage?

Miscarriage raises many big questions about God even for the most seasoned believers. If you are wondering what the Bible actually says about pregnancy loss, you are in good company. While I in no way claim to have all the answers, my ultimate goal is to point you to the One who does as we unpack seven common questions that arise with pregnancy loss.

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What You Need to Know About Pregnancy Loss

After my first miscarriage, I thought I knew what all miscarriages looked like. But as I began to connect with more women on the subject, I realized I didn’t know as much as I thought. Humbled, my heart filled with grace and deeper compassion as I gained an understanding of the uniqueness of each miscarriage experience. Whether you or someone you care about has suffered pregnancy loss, we will dive into what miscarriage looks like in its many forms to help us ask for or provide the individual support needed.

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Why Global Missions Matter

Why go overseas for missions when people need Jesus here? We look out our back door and see people everywhere in need of God’s love. So why go? The answer to these questions will require us to dive deep into Scripture and the heart of the Father. As we do, my hope and prayer is the Lord would give us wisdom and align our hearts to His.

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5 Invaluable Lessons From Battling Infertility

While I would love to say that my three-year wait to conceive was graceful and unwavering, if I’m honest, it was filled with a good bit of wrestling and raw emotion.

But it was in that wrestling that I learned the invaluable lessons that are central to the steadfast faith I now hold. As hard as those years were, I am grateful, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. And while you might be thinking, “That’s easy to say now that you are ‘on the other side,’” the truth is, I got to a place of gratitude even IN my waiting… And I believe you can, too.

That’s why I’m sharing the five invaluable lessons I learned while waiting to get pregnant. They may not be the exact same lessons the Lord is working in your heart, but I do hope they can offer some encouragement to those who wait.

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The Best Bible Study Tools

When it comes to studying the Bible, I firmly believe all you need is a Bible and the Holy Spirit. There are, however, some additional tools that may also benefit you as you study. From Bibles, pens, and highlighters to journals and accessories, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite Bible study tools to keep your time in the Word both organized and meaningful.

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7 International Ministries to Support in 2024

Looking for an organization or cause to support, but unsure where to begin? My husband and I have worked first-hand with a variety of world-changing organizations and individuals in over 20 countries across 5 continents. While each ministry has something incredible to offer, we put our heads together and compiled a list of our top 7 recommended international ministries to support in 2024. Check it out!

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When to Stop Waiting on God

Have you ever sought God for an answer, a plan, or a divine appointment so you could take the next step? We ask if we should make the move, or bite the bullet, or take the plunge, but we don’t want to move forward without God’s blessing. But in order for us to make a decision, we need to know when to stop waiting on God and take the leap of faith.

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